Chibi Lola: Oh, c'mon Lauren!
Lauren: Oh sure, like i'm gonna let myself get attacked by little munchkins
*The door suddenly flys open, Lauren's mum stands in the doorway
Lauren's Mum:'s time to go to the dentist! I'll meet you downstairs!
*The door shut loudly
Lauren: I'll fight!
Chibi Lauren: Lol! 
Chibi Queen Jane: Lauren, we have a small army, if you would like to use them?
Lauren: Sure!
Chibi Queen Jane: Ok. King Ryan, bring them
*Chibi King Ryan taps a code into Lauren's laptop and two new chibi's appear
Chibi Tiffany: Your Majesty, why have you brought us here?
Chibi Unicorn: YEAH! I should be dancing on rainbows!
Chibi Libby: Lol!
Chibi King Ryan: I'm afraid our city is being attacked and we need you to help!
 Chibi Tiffany: I'll be on my way to the battle then si-
Chibi King Ryan: hang on there Chibi Tiffany, Lauren-our creator, is coming with you
Chibi Tiffany: WHA?!
Lauren: Yeah! Lol, i'm going to a battle with a chibi tiger and a chibi unicorn...wait
Chibi Unicorn: What?
Lauren: Are you the unicorn off of the lol-tastic youtube video, Pink Fluffy Unicorns Dancing on Rainbows?
Chibi Rachel: Oh yeah, I LOVE that video! It's so adorable
Chibi Unicorn: Yeah, that's me ;)
Chibi Joanna: xD!!!!
Lauren: I'm gonna be fighting the most FEARED chibi with a UNICORN? EPIC!
Chibi Tiffany: And me!
Lauren: Yeahhhh, who are you?
*All the chibis' gasp
Lauren: What? What I do?
Chibi Amy: Chibi Tiffany is the most fearsome warrior to ever live!
Lauren: Ohhhh, sorry! 
Chibi Tiffany: Grrrrrr
Chibi King Ryan: *whispers to Chibi Queen Jane* I don't think this is gonna work!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

