Chibi Amy: What's wrong your highness?
*Chibi Queen Jane sighs
Chibi Queen Jane: Well, as you can probably see, our kingdom is being terrorized by a crazed monster
Chibi Libby: Lol!
Chibi Queen Jane: No...Chibi Hannah!
Chibi Lauren: :O
Lauren: Who is 'Chibi Hannah'?
*All chibis' gasp in shock
Chibi Joanna: Chibi Hannah is one of the most FEARED chibis' in the whole kingdom of Chicken!
Lauren: Oh..........kay
Chibi Lola: This is our stop, c'mon!
*Everyone steps out of the laptop and into Lauren's Room
Chibi Rachel: Heyyy
Chibi Amy: What is it Chibi Rachel?
Chibi Rachel: Chibi Kaitlin is gone!
*Chibi Cody dances round all the other chibis' in happiness
Chibi Lauren: LOOK! I found a note!
Chibi Libby: Then read it genius!
*Chibi Lauren rolls her eyes at Chibi Libby's comment
Chibi Lauren: It says "Chibis' you are next, don't worry about your friend, she is probably already dead...
Chibi King Ryan: That was definitely Chibi Hannah!
Chibi Rachel: We have to go get Chibi Kaitlin!
Chibi Joanna: NO WAY! She was a NUTBALL!
Chibi Cody: I agree!
Lauren: Fine, we won't go save Chibi Kaitlin!
Chibi Lauren: Wait a min! There is a pic here too!
*Chibi Lauren holds up picture
Chibi Amy: That is DEFINITELY Chibi Hannah!
Lauren: Geez, does that girl ever SMILE!
Chibi Rachel: It's not her fault though...after what happened
Lauren: What happened?
Chibi Lauren: In the great Rice wars, her parents were shot by us Chibis'
Chibi Joanna: That's why she wants to kill us all
Lauren: Oh
Chibi Queen Jane: But you can save us creator!
Lauren: WHA?!
Chibi King Ryan: Yes, you have the power to save chibi-kind!
Lauren: Hang on! I never agreed to

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

