Chibi Amy: But Chibi Lauren!...
Chibi Lauren: What?
Chibi Amy: We can't just go there NOW, it's over 2,000 chibi kilometers away!
Chibi Lauren: Oh...
Lauren: Wait a min! Chibi Amy, you sound pretty smart!
Chibi Amy: Well...yes, I loved being in Chibi Primary :)
Chibi Libby: Ughh ¬.¬ Swot
Chibi Cody: Exactly! -.-
Chibi Rachel: Stop it!
Lauren: Well, Chibi Amy, can you transfer chibi kilometers in human kilometers?
Chibi Amy: I think we had a lesson on that in Year 3...
*Chibi Amy thinks hard on the question she has been asked
Chibi Amy: 2,000 chibi kilometers is equivalent to approximately 2 miles :)
Chibi Libby: Wow, get you!
*Chibi Joanna shoots Chibi Libby a glare as she touches her sword
Chibi Joanna: Don't push ya luck Chibi Libby!
Lauren: Well it looks like we're visiting your grandparents after all Chibi Lauren ;D
Chibi Lauren: How??? 
Lauren: 2 miles is about 5 minutes away from here in a car, or we could take a magical chibi transporter?
Chibi Kaitlin: MAGICAL TRANSPORTER!!!!! Wouldn't it be ROMANTIC Chibi Cody? <3
Lauren: *whispers* What is wrong with her?!
Chibi Rachel: *whispers* Beats me?
Chibi Lola: WAIT! I know a cheap chibi taxi place!
Chibi Joanna: Well can they take us to the palace?! 
Chibi Lola: I'll phone and check
*Chibi Lola phones taxi service
Chibi Lola: Hi could I have a taxi ASAP to pick us up from laptop333456 and take us to laptop4445678 please? Hmmm, I know it's far but it's desperate! Ok...
*Chibi Lola hangs up
Chibi Rachel: So...?
Chibi Lola: It's not great news...
Chibi Amy: Oh...
Chibi Lola: It's GREAT news! And they're going to do it for free!
Lauren: How? :D
Chibi Lola: I offered them a free beauty treatment :) Works everytime!
Chibi Joanna: So we are REALLY going to a palace?
Chibi Lauren: I guess so! :D
Chibi Kaitlin: OMG! This is SOOO romantic Chibi Cody!
Chibi Cody: Can we PLEASE leave her here?!
Chibi Lola: Gladly!
*The taxi pulls up at the laptop
Lauren: How are we supposed to get IN there?!
Chibi Amy: Everybody join hands
Chibi Kaitlin: Chibi Cody, join MY hand!!!!
Chibi Cody: NO! You are staying here!
*Everyone joins hands and they are suddenly sucked into the taxi on the computer screen
Chibi Lauren: YAHOO! We are on our way!
Chibi Libby: Oh how WONDERFUL! ¬.¬
Chibi Rachel: Oh lighten up! :)
Chibi Libby: -.-
*The taxi stops
Chibi Joanna: WOAH! We're here!
Lauren: You chibis' really know how to live!
*Two people in posh clothes come running out
Queen Jane: Thank GOD your here!
Chibi Lauren: Grandma...what happened! Your a...
Chibi Libby: ZOMBIE!!!!!
*Chibi Libby faints and Chibi Cody catches her
Chibi Joanna: *whispers* I feel something going on between them two!
Chibi Amy: *whispers* Yeah
Chibi Queen Jane: I know i am a zombie, our city is being attacked by evil forces :( Isn't that right Ryan?
Chibi King Ryan: Yes, i'm afraid so :(
Lauren: WHAT DA?!
Chibi Queen Jane: I'll explain later just GET US OUTTA HERE!

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

