Lauren: Ok...what am i supposed to do with you?
Chibi Libby: Err well it's kinda obvious ¬.¬
Chibi Joanna: Oh shut it Chibi Libby!
Lauren: Thank you Joanna!
Chibi Joanna: :D
Chibi Amy: You could maybe make a new character for us?
Lauren: Ok...but no more this time! Ok?
*Lauren logs on her laptop again and creates another chibi
Chibi Lola: Hi there :)
Chibi Lauren: Er...hi
Chibi Amy: Hiya
Chibi Joanna: HIIIIIIIIIII!!!!! :D
Chibi Libby: ¬.¬ Ughhh
Chibi Lola: Whats her problem?
Chibi Lauren: Oh...shes just a bit grumpy
Chibi Libby: >.<
Chibi Libby: Oh...
*There is a sudden flash of light and Lauren begins to shrink down to chibi size

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

