Chibi Lauren: Are you finished YET!
Chibi Amy: Give her some time Lauren!
Chibi Lauren: Since when did YOU become all goody-two-shoes? -.-
Lauren: Stop arguing!
*Lauren clicks on her laptop
Lauren: Finally finished!
*Chibi Lauren and Chibi Amy squeal in delight
Chibi Amy: Who is it?
Lauren: Welcome...Chibi Joanna!
Chibi Lauren: :O
Chibi Amy: :O
Chibi Joanna: Hi :D
Chibi Lauren: that a *GULP* s...SWORD!?
Chibi Joanna: Of course it is! :D
Chibi Lauren: AHHHHHH!
Chibi Amy: AHHHHHH!
*Chibi Lauren and Chibi Amy run and hide behind Lauren
Lauren: Lol
Chibi Joanna: It's ok you two! I won't hurt you!
*Chibi Lauren and Chibi Amy slowly come out from behind Lauren
Chibi Amy: Really?
Chibi Joanna: Yes, really!
Chibi Lauren: Phew! Now creator can you make some more friends for us? Pretty please???
*Lauren sighs at Chibi Lauren's new request
Lauren: Ok, but this is DEFINITELY the last time for today!
Chibi Lauren: Ok, ok!
*Lauren clicks on her laptop, creating more chibi people
Chibi Libby: Heyyah!
Chibi Joanna: Hi :D
Chibi Libby: Well hello there hun'!
*Chibi Libby walks over to Chibi Amy
Chibi Libby: Is that your original hair colour hun'?
Chibi Amy: Sure is...
Chibi Libby: Hmmm...
*Chibi Libby walks over to Chibi Lauren, smiling
Chibby Libby: Well hello Miss Bunny Ears :)
Chibi Lauren: Excuse me, but have you noticed your a little...thin?
*Chibi Libby stares angrily at Chibi Lauren
Chibi Libby: At least i'm not turning into an animal!
Chibi Lauren: You already used that compliment ;D
Lauren: Will you two SHUT UP already?!
Chibi Libby: Well YOU created us!
Lauren: Yeah and I can easily DELETE you!
Chibi Libby: Fine! Geez -.-

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    July 2013

